(* $Id: simple_example.ml 19 2008-07-13 01:39:54Z mjambon $ *) (* A fairly complete demonstration of the features provided by Easy-format. *) open Easy_format let list = { list with list_style = Some "list"; opening_style = Some "op"; body_style = Some "body"; separator_style = Some "sep"; closing_style = Some "cl" } let atom = { atom_style = Some "atom" } let label = { label with label_style = Some "label" } let tuple_param = { list with space_after_opening = false; space_before_closing = false; align_closing = false } let operator_param = { list with space_after_opening = false; space_before_closing = false; separators_stick_left = false; space_before_separator = true; space_after_separator = true; align_closing = true } let html_escape_string s = let buf = Buffer.create (2 * String.length s) in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do match s.[i] with '&' -> Buffer.add_string buf "&" '<' -> Buffer.add_string buf "<" '>' -> Buffer.add_string buf ">" c -> Buffer.add_char buf c done; Buffer.contents buf let html_escape = `Escape_string html_escape_string let html_style = [ "atom", { tag_open = "<a>"; tag_close = "</a>" }; "body", { tag_open = "<lb>"; tag_close = "</lb>" }; "list", { tag_open = "<l>"; tag_close = "</l>" }; "op", { tag_open = "<op>"; tag_close = "</op>" }; "cl", { tag_open = "<cl>"; tag_close = "</cl>" }; "sep", { tag_open = "<sep>"; tag_close = "</sep>" }; "label", { tag_open = "<la>"; tag_close = "</la>" }; ] let format_tuple f l = List (("(", ",", ")", tuple_param), List.map f l) let format_int x = Atom (string_of_int x, atom) let format_float x = Atom (Printf.sprintf "%.5f" x, atom) let format_sum ?(wrap = `Wrap_atoms) l = List (("(", "+", ")", { operator_param with wrap_body = wrap }), List.map format_int l) let format_array ~align_closing ~wrap f a = let l = Array.to_list (Array.map f a) in List (("[|", ";", "|]", { list with align_closing = align_closing; wrap_body = wrap }), l) let format_matrix ?(align_closing1 = true) ?(align_closing2 = true) ?(wrap1 = `Wrap_atoms) ?(wrap2 = `Wrap_atoms) m = format_array ~align_closing: align_closing1 ~wrap: wrap1 (format_array ~align_closing: align_closing2 ~wrap: wrap2 format_float) m let format_record f l0 = let l = List.map (fun (s, x) -> Label ((Atom (s ^ ":", atom), label), f x)) l0 in List (("{", ";", "}", list), l) let begin_style = { label with indent_after_label = 0 }, ("begin", ";", "end", { list with stick_to_label = false }) let curly_style = label, ("{", ";", "}", list) let format_function_definition (body_label, body_param) name param body = Label ( ( Label ( (Atom ("function " ^ name, atom), label), List (("(", ",", ")", tuple_param), List.map (fun s -> Atom (s, atom)) param) ), body_label ), List (body_param, List.map (fun s -> Atom (s, atom)) body) ) let print_margin fmt () = let margin = Format.pp_get_margin fmt () in for i = 1 to margin do print_char '+' done; print_newline () let with_margin ?(html = false) margin f x = let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout in Format.pp_set_margin fmt margin; if html then Pretty.define_styles fmt html_escape html_style; print_margin fmt (); f fmt x; Format.pp_print_flush fmt (); print_newline () let print s = Printf.printf "\n*** %s ***\n%!" s let print_tuple fmt l = Pretty.to_formatter fmt (format_tuple format_int l) let print_sum ?wrap fmt l = Pretty.to_formatter fmt (format_sum ?wrap l) let print_matrix ?align_closing1 ?align_closing2 ?wrap1 ?wrap2 m fmt () = Pretty.to_formatter fmt (format_matrix ?align_closing1 ?align_closing2 ?wrap1 ?wrap2 m) let print_function_definition style name param fmt body = Pretty.to_formatter fmt (format_function_definition style name param body) let _ = let ints = Array.to_list (Array.init 10 (fun i -> i)) in (* A simple tuple that fits on one line *) with_margin 80 print_tuple ints; with_margin 20 print_tuple ints; (* Printed as a sum *) with_margin 80 print_sum ints; with_margin ~html:true 80 print_sum ints; with_margin 20 (print_sum ~wrap:`Always_wrap) ints; with_margin 20 (print_sum ~wrap:`Never_wrap) ints; (* Triangular array of arrays showing wrapping of lists of atoms *) let m = Array.init 20 (fun i -> Array.init i (fun i -> sqrt (float i))) in (* Default style *) print "default style"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix m) (); (* Other styles *) print "style 1"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~align_closing1: false ~align_closing2: false m) (); print "style 2"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~align_closing1: false ~align_closing2: false ~wrap2: `Never_wrap m) (); print "style 3"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~align_closing1: false ~align_closing2: false ~wrap2: `Always_wrap m) (); print "style 4"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~align_closing2: false ~wrap1: `Always_wrap ~wrap2: `Always_wrap m) (); print "style 5"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~align_closing1: false ~wrap1: `Always_wrap ~wrap2: `Always_wrap m) (); print "style 6"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~wrap2: `Force_breaks m) (); print "style 7"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~wrap1: `Always_wrap ~wrap2: `No_breaks m) (); print "style 8"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~wrap2: `No_breaks m) (); print "style 9"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~wrap1: `No_breaks m) (); print "style 10"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~wrap1: `No_breaks ~wrap2: `Force_breaks m) (); print "style 11"; with_margin 80 (print_matrix ~wrap2: `Never_wrap m) (); (* A function definition, showed with different right-margin settings and either begin-end or { } around the function body. *) let program html margin style = with_margin ~html margin (print_function_definition style "hello" ["arg1";"arg2";"arg3"]) [ "print \"hello\""; "return (1 < 2)" ] in List.iter ( fun style -> List.iter ( fun margin -> program false margin style; program true margin style ) [ 10; 20; 30; 40; 80 ] ) [ curly_style; begin_style ] (* Output: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) ++++++++++++++++++++ (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <l><op>(</op><a>0</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>1</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>2</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>3</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>4</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>5</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>6</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>7</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>8</a> <sep>+</sep> <a>9</a><cl>)</cl></l> ++++++++++++++++++++ ( 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 ) ++++++++++++++++++++ ( 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 ) *** default style *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 1 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 2 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 3 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 4 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 5 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 6 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 7 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 8 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 9 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 10 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] *** style 11 *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [| [| |]; [| 0.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311 |]; [| 0.00000; 1.00000; 1.41421; 1.73205; 2.00000; 2.23607; 2.44949; 2.64575; 2.82843; 3.00000; 3.16228; 3.31662; 3.46410; 3.60555; 3.74166; 3.87298; 4.00000; 4.12311; 4.24264 |] |] ++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) { print "hello"; return (1 < 2) } ++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <op>{</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>}</cl> ++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) { print "hello"; return (1 < 2) } ++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <op>{</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>}</cl> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) { print "hello"; return (1 < 2) } ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <op>{</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>}</cl> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) { print "hello"; return (1 < 2) } ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <op>{</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>}</cl> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) { print "hello"; return (1 < 2) } ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <op>{</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>}</cl> ++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) begin print "hello"; return (1 < 2) end ++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <l><op>begin</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>end</cl></l> ++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) begin print "hello"; return (1 < 2) end ++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <l><op>begin</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>end</cl></l> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) begin print "hello"; return (1 < 2) end ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <l><op>begin</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>end</cl></l> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) begin print "hello"; return (1 < 2) end ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <l><op>begin</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>end</cl></l> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function hello (arg1, arg2, arg3) begin print "hello"; return (1 < 2) end ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <la><la><a>function hello</a></la> <l><op>(</op><lb><a>arg1</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg2</a><sep>,</sep> <a>arg3</a></lb><cl>)</cl></l></la> <l><op>begin</op> <lb><a>print "hello"</a><sep>;</sep> <a>return (1 < 2)</a></lb> <cl>end</cl></l> *)
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