Index of values

add [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.add tbl x y adds a binding of x to y in table tbl.

clear [Hashtbl2]
Empty a hash table.
copy [Hashtbl2]
Return a copy of the given hashtable.
create [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.create n creates a new, empty hash table, with initial size n.

find [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.find tbl x returns the current binding of x in tbl, or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.
find_all [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.find_all tbl x returns the list of all data associated with x in tbl.
fold [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.fold f tbl init computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 init)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of current bindings in tbl, and d1 ... dN are the associated values.
fold_all [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.fold_all f tbl init computes (f kN lN ... (f k1 l1 init)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of all bindings in tbl, and l1 ... lN are the lists of associated values, in reverse order of introduction in the table.

iter [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.iter f tbl applies f to current bindings in table tbl.
iter_all [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.iter_all f tbl applies f to all bindings in table tbl.

list [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.list tbl returns a list of the current bindings.
list_all [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.list_all tbl returns a list of all the bindings clustered according to their key.
list_all_values [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.list_all_values tbl returns a list of all the values from all bindings.
list_keys [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.list_keys tbl returns a list of all the keys from the current bindings.
list_values [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.list_values tbl returns a list of all the values from the current bindings.

mem [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.mem tbl x checks if x is bound in tbl.

of_keys [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.of_keys n l converts a list of elements into a hash table of initial size n containing unique copies of these elements bound at most one time to ().
of_list [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.of_list n l converts a list of bindings into a hash table of initial size n.

remove [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.remove tbl x removes the current binding of x in tbl, restoring the previous binding if it exists.
remove_all [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.remove_all tbl x removes all bindings of x in tbl.
replace [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.replace tbl x y replaces the current binding of x in tbl by a binding of x to y.
replace_all [Hashtbl2]
Hashtbl2.replace_all tbl x y replaces all bindings of x in tbl by bindings of x to the elements of y.