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I participated in the 7th edition of the ICFP programming contest, in June 2004. The name of my one-member team was ANTisocial. You can get my final submission. However, It has a last minute bug in the "wait" function, that I fixed in this version. The ant generator
I wrote OCaml functions that let me define what I called
subtasks. I defined several higher order functions that manipulate
subtasks: or, and, not, xor, while, until, if, ifnot, ifelse,
return, fail, choose, sequence, switch
Then the job was to use these instructions to make my colony work
The source code for my ant is in the file
It it 2 times shorter than the output, has blank lines, and about 20
lines of dead code (function StrategyThe strategy I chose is based on:
This is better illustrated by the position of the markers, as shown in this map. Note that an additional marker 4 is located on each corner but is not visible since there is already a marker 0. The final (fixed) ant is here. Various outputsProfilingThe number of accesses to each state is output and sorted after each simulation. I think that a healthy brain is one that has a balanced number of accesses to each node. Note that the ants use a collective brain. 100,000 simulation steps were performed with initially 91 red ants. The most accessed node corresponds to the 30 food guards, that simply do nothing once they decided to be guards (the "loop" state). GraphsI displayed the transitions between the states of my ants with the dot tool from the Graphviz package. The graph for my ant is available as a PNG image, or better as a PostScript file (or its compact version). The gv tool is convenient for watching this kind of files. Ascii Ant_, _gM#MMA _;q (P]gMMMMMMMM _m# q gKgMMMMMHMMMW _mF q _ _W#MMMMMMMMMM _pP' (k_g_g_ #^M_ qM M#MMMMMMMM #P `MMMMMHM____ggF 3M, #F MMMMMMMP __MHMMTMMMMMMHMMM____A__gBMP"*##W' __gM##9& gWWHMMMMMMM"__MMMM*MMMMMHMNF (_g#* M, / gMM##*8M__F 3FWMA 7WME^HMm___MPHE M, "" VMAm# _g#' 7M< " V__ V, gK4 _P "#m_ 7MmA,, %_ _F_# qF NM \, M_M _P # %_ __# #^ ML #' ML M' F7 qF M M" 1 # A `" _#' gL R_ # ^NMMmm qL # L R |