Index of values

channel_contents [Micmatch.Text]
channel_contents ic returns the string containing the bytes that can be read from the given input channel ic.
chop_spaces [Micmatch.Fixed]
chop_spaces s returns a string where the leading and trailing spaces are removed.

file_contents [Micmatch.Text]
file_contents file returns the string containing the bytes that can be read from the given file.
float [Micmatch.Fixed]
float s reads an float from a string where leading and trailing spaces are allowed.
fold_left [Micmatch.Text]
Like List.fold_left but the Skip exception can be used to skip an element of the list.
fold_right [Micmatch.Text]
Like List.fold_right but the Skip exception can be used to skip an element of the list.

int [Micmatch.Fixed]
int s reads an int from a string where leading and trailing spaces are allowed.
is_dir [Micmatch.Directory]
is_dir dir returns true if dir is a directory, false otherwise.
iter_lines_of_channel [Micmatch.Text]
iter_lines_of_channel f ic reads input channel ic and applies successively the given function f to each line until the end of file is reached.
iter_lines_of_file [Micmatch.Text]
iter_lines_of_file f file reads file file and applies successively the given function f to each line until the end of file is reached.

lines_of_channel [Micmatch.Text]
lines_of_channel ic returns the list of the lines that can be read from input channel ic.
lines_of_file [Micmatch.Text]
lines_of_file file returns the list of the lines that can be read from file file.
list [Micmatch.Glob]
list path_filter works like Micmatch.Glob.scan but returns a list of all file paths that match path_filter.
list [Micmatch.Directory]
list dir returns the alphabetically sorted list of the names of the files contained in directory dir.
llist [Micmatch.Glob]
llist path_filter works like Micmatch.Glob.lscan but returns a list of all file paths that match path_filter.
lscan [Micmatch.Glob]
Same as Micmatch.Glob.scan but file paths are kept as a list of strings that form a valid path when concatenated using Filename.concat.

map [Micmatch.Text]
Like but it is guaranteed that the elements of the input list are processed from left to right.
map_lines_of_channel [Micmatch.Text]
map_lines_of_channel f ic is equivalent to map f (lines_of_channel ic) but faster.
map_lines_of_file [Micmatch.Text]
map_lines_of_file f file is equivalent to map f (lines_of_file file) but faster.

rev_map [Micmatch.Text]
Like List.rev_map, but it is guaranteed that the elements of the input list are processed from left to right.

save [Micmatch.Text]
save file data stores the string data in file.
save_lines [Micmatch.Text]
save_lines file l saves the given list l of strings in file and adds a newline characters ('\n') after each of them.
scan [Micmatch.Glob]
scan action path_filter returns all the file paths having a name that matches path_filter.