VERSION 2 ========= 2008-02-05: release 2.0.2 - supports OCaml/Camlp4 3.10.1 2007-04-07: release 2.0.1 - added support for OCaml/Camlp4 3.10.0+beta 2007-03-04: release 2.0.0 - small change in the interface of the Pipeline module (new_cmd -> command) - added OCaml.pp (any preprocessor) and Ocaml.ppsrcloc (location formatter) variables 2006-07-25: prerelease 1.99.5 - added support for ocamlyacc 2006-07-14: prerelease 1.99.4 - added Ocaml.sources variable that can hold additional source files, e.g. Ocaml.sources := ["../"] 2006-06-24: pre-release 1.99.3 - separation of examples and tests - added some examples 2006-06-07: pre-release 1.99.2 - replaced Sys.command by create_process so that arguments with special characters are not subject to shell interpretation 2006-06-05: pre-release 1.99.1 - important bugfix (scripts with shebang line and no "--" line) - not dependent of micmatch_pcre not pcre anymore 2006-06-03: pre-release 1.99.0, nothing really changed since last time 2006-27-03 This is an experimental extension of ocamlscript, which is incompatible with ocamlscript 1.1. Current features: - each script must have two parts, which are separated by a line starting with "--" and followed by any number of blanks. - the first part gives instructions for the compilation of the second part, which is the program itself (see "fulltest" file for an example). - the first part can be empty or can contain some OCaml code which makes a "compile" function visible at the end of the module. - by default, the Ocamlscript.Ocamlopt module is opened, which makes a "compile" function available. - the signature of this "compile" function is the following: val compile : string -> string -> int Its arguments are (1) the name of the source file to compile and (2) the name of the executable which must be produced. These names are chosen by ocamlscript, not by the script author. - the Ocamlopt module provides several hooks which can be used to specify which libraries to use and other compilation options. It uses the ocamlfind (Findlib) frontend to ocamlopt. The parameters are currently initialized as follows: let packs = ref [] (* findlib packages *) let use_camlp4 = ref true (* by default camlp4 is used *) let revised = ref false (* use this to use the revised syntax *) let ocamlflags = ref [] (* any options that you may want to pass to ocamlopt *) let ppopt = ref [] (* any options that you may want to pass to camlp4o or camlp4r *) let verbose = ref false (* that's for debugging *) - Any definition of a function named "compile" will override the default one. Ocamlscript can be used to compile programs in any language which accepts the same line directives as OCaml (it should however be possible to make it more flexible in the future). For now, it should be possible to define "compile" functions for ocamllex or ocaml+twt (and include them in the Ocamlscript library). VERSION 1 ========= * version 1.1 (2005-10-03): - the temporary copy of the original script contains proper reference to original source so line number and script name is correct in case of error (suggestion of Mike Lin); - change license to a BSD-like one. Apparently Public Domain imposes restriction of Software redistribution on a different medium. The new license should allow to use the software for about any use. * version 1.0 (2005-08-23): original release.