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Toolbox for Camlmix [difficulty = 1 camel]

This is a collection of useful tips and code for writing documents using Camlmix or its derivatives such as Camlremix. Read the Camlmix tutorial first.

Table of contents
1. OCaml code samples
1.1 File input
1.2 Calling external programs
1.3 Changing the default printer
2. Tips and tricks for web documents
2.1 Changing the colors in a stylesheet
2.2 Inserting LaTeX snippets
3. Preprocessing OCaml files

Anyone is free to use, copy, modify or redistribute any inlined example that may be found in the Camlmix Toolbox.

Disclaimer: No guarantee of any kind is given concerning the reliability of this document.

1. OCaml code samples

The different samples are grouped by sections. Copy/paste them where you need them. They are not provided as a single library because they are too heterogenous and not complex enough too justify a library. However, if you are very impatient, you can download and use it by editing the sample test.camlmix. You may also download toolbox.mli for information.

The code samples are useful when using Camlmix, but also probably in many other situations where OCaml is used as a scripting language. They may also be useful for the OCaml beginner looking for short real-life examples rather than for Fibonacci numbers or the sieve of Eratosthenes. ;-)

1.1 File input

Scanning a whole channel - The function given as argument is applied to each character of the channel, until the end is reached.
val read_chan : (char -> 'a) -> in_channel -> unit
let read_chan f ic =
    while true do
      f (input_char ic)
  with End_of_file -> ()
Including a file - The given file is inserted without any transformation.
val include_file : string -> unit
let include_file file =
  let ic = open_in_bin file in
  read_chan print_char ic;
  close_in ic
Verbatim input in a HTML document - Special characters are escaped so that the whole contents of the file is displayed.
val html_verbatim : string -> unit
let html_verbatim file =
  let ic = open_in_bin file in
  print_string "<pre>\n";
         '<' -> print_string "&lt;"
       | '>' -> print_string "&gt;"
       | '&' -> print_string "&amp;"
       | c -> print_char c)
  print_string "</pre>";
  close_in ic

1.2 Calling external programs

Calling an external program - For example, on Unix systems command "date" will print the current date.
val command : string -> unit
let command s =
  if Sys.command s = 0 then ()
  else invalid_arg ("command: " ^ s)
Recursive call to Camlmix - The insertion of a document that must be preprocessed with Camlmix without inheriting neither modifying the current environment is done by starting a new camlmix process. Most of the time, it is preferable to use the include directive instead of this.
val camlmix : string -> unit
let camlmix file = command ("camlmix " ^ file)
Catching the output of a command - This function converts the output of a system command into an OCaml string. This is useful in order to avoid to call the command several times or if some further processing is required. For instance, slurp_command "date" is the equivalent of the Unix shell command `date`. Note that this function should work on every system, including Windows and MacOS.
val slurp_command : string -> string
#load "unix.cma"

let read_command_output f s =
  let ic = Unix.open_process_in s in
     while true do
       f (input_char ic)
   with End_of_file -> ());
  match Unix.close_process_in ic with
      Unix.WEXITED 0 -> ()
    | _ -> invalid_arg ("read_command_output: " ^ s)

let slurp_command s =
  let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
  read_command_output (Buffer.add_char buf) s;
  Buffer.contents buf
Using an external filter or converter - It is sometimes useful to process some text using a command that read its input from stdin and writes its output to stdout. feed command data calls command, tells it to read data as its standard input. sfeed is the same as feed except that the result is put into a string. ffeed prints the results to the specified out_channel. bfeed prints the result into the specified buffer. kfeed is the general function that expects a handler function that will treat each character successively and may raise an exception.
val kfeed : (char -> 'a) -> string -> string -> unit
val feed : string -> string -> unit
val ffeed : out_channel -> string -> string -> unit
val bfeed : Buffer.t -> string -> string -> unit
val sfeed : string -> string -> string
(* Warning: the following function crashes in OCaml 3.09.2,
   because of that bug:
   (close_out is applied a second time during Unix.close_process) *)
let kfeed f command data =
  let (ic, oc) as channels = Unix.open_process command in
  output_string oc data;
  close_out oc;
  let exn = ref None in
     while true do
       f (input_char ic)
       End_of_file -> ()
     | e -> exn := Some e);
  (match Unix.close_process channels with
       Unix.WEXITED 0 -> ()
     | _ -> invalid_arg ("feed_command: " ^ command));
  match !exn with
      Some e -> raise e
    | None -> ()

let feed = kfeed print_char

let ffeed oc command data = kfeed (output_char oc) command data

let bfeed buf command data = kfeed (Buffer.add_char buf) command data

let sfeed command data = 
  let buf = Buffer.create (2 * String.length data) in
  bfeed buf command data;
  Buffer.contents buf

1.3 Changing the default printer

Normally Camlmix prints the document blocks without modifications and flushes the standard output. This behavior can be changed by using the Camlmix.printer hook. Note that print_with and print_if are now predefined in the Camlmix module.

Changing the printer only for the next block - Here, we define a function print_with that will change the behavior of the printer only for the next block. For instance, print_with ignore will skip the next block.
val print_with : (string -> unit) -> unit
let print_with f =
  let saved_printer = !Camlmix.printer in
  Camlmix.printer := (fun s -> f s; Camlmix.printer := saved_printer)
Conditional output of the next block - Most of the time, pure OCaml code is convenient enough to display text under certain conditions as in print_string (if test then "hello" else "goodbye"). However, when the text to display is long and contains many double quotes (") or backslashes (\), it becomes difficult to protect each of them by manually adding backslashes. The following print_if function will print the next block if its argument is true and ignore it otherwise.
val print_if : bool -> unit
let print_if test =
  if not test then print_with ignore

2. Tips and tricks for web documents

All the examples that are given in this section require the standard distribution of OCaml and the OCaml functions that are defined in the previous section, and sometimes some external commands or utilities that may or may not be available for every OS.

2.1 Changing the colors in a stylesheet

Place the definitions of the colors in several Camlmix files. Write a unique CSS using Camlmix insertions for the colors. For instance, file orange_style.mlx is the following:

## let main_color = "orange" ##

File blue_style.mlx is the following:

## let main_color = "blue" ##

style.css.mlx looks like this:

body {
  color: ## main_color () ##;
table {
  border: solid ## main_color () ## 3px;

And Camlmix will generate 2 stylesheets for the price of one:

camlmix -o orange.css orange_style.mlx style.css.mlx
camlmix -o blue.css blue_style.mlx style.css.mlx

2.2 Inserting LaTeX snippets

For example, the following Camlmix/HTML/LaTeX code:

## print_with latex ##
This is a \LaTeX\ formula: % and that is a comment
x \rightarrow \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} \cdot
## () ##

will be inserted into the HTML document just like this: 
This is a \LaTeX\ formula: % and that is a comment
x \rightarrow \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} \cdot

For this, we will define one OCaml function of general purpose that converts a piece of LaTeX into an image, and then some Camlmix-dependent code that makes it convenient to use from a Camlmix/HTML file.

The following function latex_image generates an image of the given LaTeX code and saves it under the given file name. It requires latex, dvips and convert (ImageMagick) in a Unix environment. The format of the image is inferred from its extension. The size of the font can be changed with the usual LaTeX commands such as \large and \small. The file_memo class is defined in order to recompute only the images that need to be recomputed. We put these functions in a file named

open Printf

(* The function that computes the image *)

let latex_image ?(preamble = "") code file =
  let prefix = Filename.chop_extension file in
  let oc = open_out (prefix ^ ".tex") in
  fprintf oc "\
    preamble code;
  close_out oc;

  if Sys.command 
    (sprintf "latex %s.tex > %s.log 2>&1" prefix prefix) <> 0 then
      invalid_arg "latex_image (latex)";

  if Sys.command 
    (sprintf "dvips -S1 -i -E %s.dvi >> %s.log 2>&1" 
       prefix prefix) <> 0 then
      invalid_arg "latex_image (dvips)";

  Sys.rename (prefix ^ ".001") (prefix ^ ".ps");

  if Sys.command (sprintf "convert %s >> %s.log 2>&1"
                    prefix file prefix) <> 0 then
    invalid_arg "latex_image (convert)"

(* An almost reusable MD5-based dependency checker *)

type memo = ((Digest.t option * Digest.t * string), Digest.t) Hashtbl.t

class file_memo memo_file = 
  let memo =
    if Sys.file_exists memo_file then
      let ic = open_in_bin memo_file in
        let memo : memo = Marshal.from_channel ic in
        close_in ic;
      with exn ->
        close_in ic;
        Sys.remove memo_file;
        raise exn
      Hashtbl.create 100 in
object (self)
  method private update =
    let to_remove = 
        (fun ((_, _, file) as key) _ accu ->
           if not (Sys.file_exists file) then
             key :: accu
           else accu)
        [] in
    List.iter (Hashtbl.remove memo) to_remove

  method save =
    let oc = open_out_bin memo_file in
    Marshal.to_channel oc memo [];
    close_out oc

  method do_it ?preamble ~code ~file f =
    let opt = match preamble with 
        None -> None
      | Some s -> Some (Digest.string s) in
    let key = (opt, Digest.string code, file) in
    let do_nothing =
        let digest = Hashtbl.find memo key in
        Sys.file_exists file && digest = Digest.file file      
      with Not_found -> false in
    if do_nothing then ()
      ((f () : unit);
       if not (Sys.file_exists file) then
           (sprintf "#do_it: expected file %s was not created" file)
         Hashtbl.replace memo key (Digest.file file))

From a Camlmix/HTML file, we can define a latex function that will automatically choose a name for the file, insert the HTML code that displays the image and finally update a list of the images that were generated so that the right image files can be uploaded to the public website. Recompilation of the images occurs only if needed. File latex.mlx can be written as follows:

#load "latex.cmo";;
open Printf

let image_counter = ref 0
let images = ref []

let memo = new Latex.file_memo "latex-memo" (* shared by several documents *)

let new_image () =
  incr image_counter;
  let src = !Camlmix.source in
  let name = sprintf "%s-img%i.png" src !image_counter in
  images := (src, name) :: !images;

let list_images () =
  let tbl = Hashtbl.create 100 in
    (fun (src, name) -> 
       let oc =
         try Hashtbl.find tbl src
         with Not_found ->
           let oc = open_out (src ^ ".images") in
           Hashtbl.add tbl src oc;
           oc in
       fprintf oc "%s\n" name)
  Hashtbl.iter (fun src oc -> close_out oc) tbl

let _ = 
  at_exit list_images;
  at_exit (fun () -> memo#save)

let latex ?preamble ?(valign = "middle") code =
    let file = new_image () in
    let f () = Latex.latex_image ?preamble code file in
    memo#do_it ?preamble ~code ~file f;
    printf "<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" style=\"vertical-align:%s\">" 
      file code valign
  with exn ->
    let c = !Camlmix.char in
    eprintf "File %S, line %i, characters %i-%i:\n"
    !Camlmix.source !Camlmix.line c (c + String.length code - 1);
    flush stderr;
    raise exn

3. Preprocessing OCaml files

It is possible to use Camlmix as a preprocessor for OCaml files. This can be useful for merging or including files, or inserting characters at any point of the file, which is not possible with Camlp4. A command for compiling a file has the following form:

$ ocamlc -c -pp 'camlmix ppocaml.mlx' -impl my_source_file.mlx

or simply

$ ocamlc -c -pp 'camlmix ppocaml.mlx'

where ppocaml.mlx is here to generate correct error reports whenever a compilation error occurs:

File ppocaml.mlx:

(* File ppocaml.mlx: OCaml-style line directives for camlmix-processed files *)

let _ = 
  let line_directive () =
    Printf.sprintf "# %i %S\n%s" 
      !Camlmix.line !Camlmix.source (String.make (!Camlmix.char - 1) ' ') in

  let default_printer = !Camlmix.printer in

  let new_printer s =
    default_printer (line_directive ());
    default_printer s in

  Camlmix.printer := new_printer

For instance, my_source_file.mlx could look like this:

## @include "some_definitions.mlx" ##

(* some local OCaml code *)

## @include "more_definitions.mlx" ##

(* more local OCaml code *)

And the included files themselves can include other files.