Releases of yojson ================== !!! = some incompatibilities opt = optimizations +ui = additions in the user interface -ui = restrictions in the user interface bug = bug or security fix doc = major changes in the documentation pkg = changes in the structure of the package or in the installation procedure 2011-04-27 1.0.2: [+ui] improved error messages showing several lookahead bytes [+ui] factored out lexer_state and init_lexer definitions [+ui] added read_null_if_possible function (used by atdgen) 2011-01-22 1.0.1: [bug] fixed serialization of negative ints using the write_int function (affects atdgen) 2010-12-04 1.0.0: [!!!] now requires biniou version 1.0.0 or higher 2010-09-13 0.8.1: [doc] added INSTALL file 2010-08-04 0.8.0: first release