Module Common

module Common: sig .. end
Options that are shared by all compilation modules.

val extra_args : string list Pervasives.ref
All arguments which are not valid options for ocamlscript but are not arguments of the script either. Typically it would be the case of unix.cmxa in "#!/usr/bin/ocamlscript unix.cmxa". It is the responsibility of the "compile" function to handle these arguments. The default "compile" command (Ocamlscript.Ocaml.compile) simply passes these arguments to ocamlopt.
val trash : string list Pervasives.ref
runtime trash which may contain the name of the executable itself, for self-removal, in case it is a temporary file (e.g. generated from standard input).
val verbose : bool Pervasives.ref
If this option is true, ocamlscript prints some debugging information to stdout.
val script_dir : string Pervasives.ref
script_dir is meant to hold the absolute path to the directory which contains the script, or just the current directory at the time when ocamlscript was started if the script is not read from a file.
val compile : (string -> string -> int) Pervasives.ref
The function which is used to compile the program. compile source result reads the source code from file source and writes the executable to file result. This function should return 0 if it succeeds, and 1 or another code otherwise. Its default value is Ocamlscript.Ocaml.compile.