Module Pipeline

module Pipeline: sig .. end
Portable command pipeline

type command 

type pipeline = {
   input : string list; (*internal names of the input files*)
   output : string list; (*internal names of the result files*)
   commands : command list; (*commands which operate on the internal file names*)
A given pipeline always executes the same commands from a given temporary directory. The input files have been copied into the directory by the time the execution starts. After execution, the output files are copied to some specified location and then the directory is removed.
val command : ?stdin:string -> ?stdout:string -> string list -> command
command ?stdin ?stdout l creates a command which redirects stdin and stdout to the given files, if these options are used. For example, command ~stdout:"bigfile" ["cat"; "file1"; "file2"] is equivalent to the shell command cat file1 file2 > bigfile.
val run : ?log:Pervasives.out_channel ->
?before:(unit -> unit) ->
?after:(unit -> unit) ->
?input:(string * string) list ->
?output:(string * string) list -> pipeline -> int
run ~input ~output pip executes the given pipeline pip by instanciating the internal file names used in the pipeline using input and output files. For example, a pipeline pip which works on one input file named file1 and on one output file named file2 would be executed using run ~input:["file1", any_input_file] ~output:["file2", any_output_file] pip. The log option can be used to collect information for debugging.