Module Ocaml

module Ocaml: sig .. end
Default compilation module: settings for the Ocaml compilers

val camlp4o : string Pervasives.ref
the name of the camlp4o command; default: "camlp4o"
val camlp4r : string Pervasives.ref
the name of the camlp4r command; default: "camlp4r"
val ocamllex : string Pervasives.ref
the name of the ocamllex command; default: "ocamllex"
val ocamlyacc : string Pervasives.ref
the name of the ocamlyacc command; default: "ocamlyacc"
val ocamlc : string Pervasives.ref
the name of the ocamlc command; default: "ocamlc"
val ocamlopt : string Pervasives.ref
the name of the ocamlopt command; default: "ocamlopt"
val ocamlfind : string Pervasives.ref
the name of the ocamlfind command; default: "ocamlfind"
val packs : string list Pervasives.ref
Specific Findlib/ocamlfind packages to use
val sources : string list Pervasives.ref
Extra source files (processed with camlp4 but not ocamllex). They can be referenced either by an absolute path or by a path relative to the script directory. They are compiled and linked in like regular OCaml compilation units.
val use_ocamllex : bool Pervasives.ref
whether to use ocamllex or not; default: false
val use_camlp4 : bool Pervasives.ref
whether to use camlp4 preprocessing or not; default: true
val use_ocamlc : bool Pervasives.ref
whether to use ocamlc instead of ocamlopt; default: false
val use_ocamlfind : bool Pervasives.ref
whether to use ocamlfind even if !packs is empty; default: false
val revised : bool Pervasives.ref
whether the revised syntax of OCaml should be used; default: false
val ocamlflags : string list Pervasives.ref
any other options to pass to the compiler
val ppopt : string list Pervasives.ref
any other options to pass to the preprocessor
type pp = string -> Pipeline.command * string list 
type of a preprocessor: takes an input file and returns a command and the list of files to be processed further.
val pp : pp option Pervasives.ref
optional preprocessor that comes before all other preprocessors
val ppsrcloc : (string -> string) option Pervasives.ref
the function which takes the source file path and generates the string the will be inserted at the beginning of files when they are copied. The default is set to follow OCaml's standard syntax, like "#1 \"\";;\n" for instance.
val compile : string -> string -> int
the compilation function which is used to set Ocamlscript.Common.compile